Current volunteer activity ...

Feeling productive after an effective SHARE presentation.

SHARE, Peer Program president. I am proud to represent this organization which fights for a happier, healthier, safer campus climate.

SHARE stands for Sexual Harassment/Assault Adviding, Resources, and Education. The organization is a resource at Princeton University for survivors of sexual harassment or violence, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. An important part of this organization is the SHARE Peer Program, which raises awareness, host events, teaches prevention methods, provides access to SHARE services, and acts as a resource for the student body. As president, I facilitate meetings, set year-long agendas, and serve as primary liaison between organization staff, Peer Program, and student body.


Academic Success Today. Through this university program, I mentor a middle school student, Guillermo, in the Princeton area. Guillermo and I meet for several hours per week to work on homework, discuss events of the week, and sometimes grab ice cream as a fun treat.

Princeton Nursery School

Princeton Nursery School. At 8:00 every Friday morning, I walk a mile from campus to the preschool. I work in the Star Room with children ages 2-3. Our mornings start with breakfast, followed by the review of a shape, color, letter, and number. We have recess outside, where I play the best game of tag in the world.